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Which is the better investment – Gold Vs Silver

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Which is the better investment – Gold Vs Silver

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Which is the better investment – Gold Vs Silver  – A revolution is defined as “the turn ” or a fundamental change of power that takes place in a relatively short period of time. There is a silver revolution is happening around the world, but the mainstream media , especially in the USA , failed to report it. USA became net sellers of silver to become lately buyer of precious metals and this trend is gaining international momentum – which the purchasing power of silver increases dramatically. In the last 10 years the price of silver has quadrupled , and since February 2010, silver rose by 30 % and outperforms gold is up 17 %. Despite the fact that nearly every American consumes daily silver , less than 5 % of us are real savings and investment in gold. That was not the case 50 years ago when it was common to wear pocket change made ​​of 90 % silver coins . Yet today , pre- 1964 silver coins are getting harder to find.

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Many of them were melted down for silver bullion in 1980 , when the price of silver soared to $ 50 per ounce. Peter Schiff , Financial forecaster with a track record of being ” right”, suggest that current market conditions are placing the silver and the gold to reach a monumental surge in demand follows a worldwide shortage of supply that will drive silver exceed the 1980 high. Over the last 20 years, the demand for silver overcome dwindling resources . Silver miners and recycling have not been able to meet demand after a year , the government has made the deficit by depleting their own reserves . According to the American geologist , the silver is the first element on the periodic table to become extinct . Geologist estimate that we could run out of silver above ground during the ten years to 2020. It would be expensive to benefit a limited increase in underground reserve , while guaranteeing the future price of silver will increase tremendously due to lack of supply and growing demand. Silver is irreplaceable due to a number of industrial uses in everything from mirrors, electric wires , solar panels , battery technology , mobile phones , photography, dentistry , electronics , and computers – coins, silver and jewelry. In addition , a silver compound (Ag) destroys bacteria in external wounds and create a life-saving drugs, antibiotics and disinfectants. The world as we know it today can not exist without silver. But few are aware of the scarcity and rarity of truly precious metal.

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Growing investment demand

Although silver has immense use is a growing demand for silver as an investment , which increased enormously throughout the world. For the first time ever, China launched an advertising campaign to encourage citizens to buy silver bullion for investment , so it is available for sale at a local bank . India bought 200 tonnes of gold to diversify out- of- the- dollar purchase of silver for industrial use as well as investment. Meanwhile , the U.S. has trouble keeping pace with the continued, sustained demand for American Eagle Silver Proof Coins and suspended production. Canada is experiencing a similar dilemma .

Silver , aka “the poor mans gold” is very undervalued and priced at under $ 20 per ounce, compared to gold , which is moving at more than $ 1200 per ounce. Unlike silver, which is consumed, gold is gold . Therefore, most of the gold ever mined in the world in the last 5000 years is recycled and stored in the vaults of the central bank.

They are notorious for hoarding gold and then back up for sale on the market to depress prices. Gold has no industrial or medical value and is used solely as a store of wealth. The price of gold is currently at an all time high , and is also positioned to rise much higher. In contrast, the low price point of silver to make it more accessible to the average person who can get a significant return on investment while protecting their purchasing power.

Availability factor is one of the main reasons why people around the world are accepted into this exclusive market. These days silver is not just for the ” poor ” , the rich are also investing in silver ! Jim Rodgers , an American investor who made ​​his first million buying and selling low high BUYS silver because it is 60-70 % lower than the all time high and is more depressing than the price of gold or other precious metals. Warren Buffet , the greatest investor of silver when he bought 130 million ounces of silver in 1997-98 and is rumored to have sold her Silver Exchange Traded Fund (SLV ) in 2006.

Since the currency crisis is worsening worldwide, more people are aware of the history of fiat currencies and the way a completely failed over time . As seen in the USA in 1781 , when the Continental currency collapsed and ceased to circulate money , and most recently in 2008 when the Zimbabwean currency collapsed. Black market trading in precious metals was common practice before the Zimbabwean dollar was replaced by foreign currencies.

The economies of Portugal, Italy , Ireland, Greece and Spain ( PIIGS ) are particularly at risk due to increasingly high levels of government debt and deficits relative to GDP per year. This has resulted in a credit rating downgrade , currency devaluation and chaos in the streets. A revolution is underway in Greece to encourage citizens to protest against the government’s wage freeze and taxing the middle class working people who refuse to pay government debts ( $ 53 billion USD) of his own pocket . Some economist predict the future of the USA will be the same .

The growing U.S. debt

For the first time in the history of the third June 2010 , the U.S. national debt clock reached a staggering $ 13 trillion dollars and no end in site – just more spending on unfunded liabilities , stimulus packages and bailouts in the trillions . It is difficult to understand the amount of $ 1 trillion , not to mention the 13 trillion , but here is a note worthy perception. If President Bush could spend $ 1 million dollars a day from the day Jesus was born until now , he’d only spent about three quarters of a trillion dollars.

And when President Obama could spend $ 1 per second since people first starting using stone tools and fire , he would spend the money for more than 412,000 years to get to $ 13 trillion . It is chilling when you consider that the fact that in 2000 President Clinton had the largest surplus ever U.S. $ 230 billion dollars , with nine consecutive years of budget improvement.

However, during the last 10 short years since the U.S. hundreds of billions in surplus, being the largest debtor nation in the world. Debt continues to rise at the fastest rate in U.S. history . It is estimated to increase to $ 19.6 trillion by 2015. This is simply unsustainable. The rapid increase in the money supply caused inflation in the past , leading to hyperinflation, followed by a return to hard currency ( gold and silver ) . If the circulating currency becomes excessively devalued , as what happened with the U.S. dollar , economy return to hard currency and exchange . Hard currency of choice will be one that people can afford – Silver. Which outlasted all paper Fiat- currency.

Think ahead

Although we have little control over government spending, we can make better informed decisions knowledge and access to resources. Anyone who has a basic knowledge of economics and fiat currencies can understand why the price of silver explodes. The best plan of action is to do just that – ACT converting fiat currencies real money (silver) that can be created with the stroke of a pen or turn on the printing press.

There is a flight to sound money and as with any investment, time is of the essence. The lack of American media on the big revolution may be your chance to use outside this small niche industry before the masses aware of this rare investment opportunity. Not even a minute fraction of 6800000000 people in the world are aware of the growing demand for silver would cause a dramatic redistribution of wealth in the hands of the owners of the physical metal. Other countries have been given a heads up and I think it is time for America to wake up! Get out of the rat race, fiat paper-chase, slave-to-debt syndrome and protect against reckless government spending and currency depreciation.

Silver has increased in value over the last 10 years and continues to grow. While the U.S. dollar has declined since 2006 and continuously declined sharply over the last 100 years, has lost more than 95% of its value. Together, China and India (Chindia) account for 40% of the world population with knowledge of and access to Silver. While in Mexico, 5% of the world population, is lucky to still hold their silver minted currency. But what in the USA! Do not hold your breath waiting for the mass media to shed light on this growing trend.

Monopolized by corporations with vested interests have ulterior motives for keeping the masses in the dark. It’s up to you to do your due diligence, research and action. Either way Silver Revolution is in full swing, whether you’re on board or not. Your ability to maintain purchasing power will be crucial in an inflationary environment a few years ago.

Savvy investors to refocus their attention on precious metals like silver as a safe haven and a hedge against currency devaluation, inflation and uncertainty. It’s only natural that we prepare for the flight to safety.

History repeats itself

When we study history, not propaganda, it is clear that history repeats itself. Just think. If history repeats itself, we could see Silver increase of 2,400%, as is done in 1970-1980 when the price of silver went from $ 1.50 per ounce to $ 50 per oz, a 25-fold increase. The average price of silver in 2001 was only $ 4. Silver If you have another 25-fold increase, the result would be Silver grows to more than $ 110 per ounce.

Robert Kiyosaki and Michael Maloney authors’ Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver “, predicting that silver may rise to an extraordinary $ 1,500 per ounce, if history repeats itself, and gold and silver equals the same amount of money needed to repay the U.S. national debt, as in 1934 and 1980.

The average price of silver in 2010, is currently under $ 20 per ounce, silver to the best bang-for-buck in this decade! In percentage terms silver will work better than gold. The price of silver will skyrocket inevitable and those that own the physical metal will be in the game. Those who do not watch the show from the sidelines. The best way to invest in this precious metal is buy.999 silver coins, bars and rods. Remember “If you can not keep, you do not own it”, so make sure you take physical possession of your silver. No exceptions.

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