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bermuda triangle disappearances

bermuda triangle disappearances

Bermuda Triangle is an area in the Atlantic Ocean, in which alleged mysterious disappearance occur offshore, It is significant that the disappearance of the ship Cyclops in 1918 had not explained the mystery of the Bermuda triangle with more than half a century. Bermuda triangle sometimes is a real, which talked about 140 cases of disappearances of ships and aircraft.

The mystery of sudden disappearances in the Bermuda triangle began to excite the public with the middle of the last century. In the year 1950, So in March 1978 year in the area of the Bermuda triangle. However, the cases of disappearances of ships. May 22, 1968 year of United States NAVY nuclear submarine Scorpion sank in the Bermuda Triangle, The Bermuda triangle was first mentioned as a writer. Strange disappearances in the Bermuda triangle was associated.
