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Bermuda Triangle Trail sunken Atlantis

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Bermuda Triangle Trail sunken Atlantis

Whenever it comes to the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle , they are overgrown with all new bright theories. And the more incredible version, the greater her fiercest opponents , who still refuse to believe in the supernatural . Perhaps they are right in some respects . After all , if we analyze the fantastic without reasoning , not in our lives any miracles . Because everyone in their everyday able to do these miracles , and our Earth with all its mysteries is the greatest miracle of Universal .

what happen in the Bermuda Triangle before

First news of the Bermuda anomalies rocked the world in December 1945 . However, be wrong to say that these events did not happen in the Bermuda Triangle before. But this story really all shocked . Five torpedo – bombers took off from the base of the naval forces of the USA in Fort Lauderdale and just did not return back . Understandably , no debris , no dead bodies were found. Strange that so easily squadron of fourteen experienced pilots disappeared into nowhere.

Bermuda Triangle Trail sunken Atlantis

Moreover, there is a mystical event in clear weather over the calm ocean. In the surviving radio communications with the base pilots talked about unexplained failure of navigation equipment and unusual visual effects : “We can not determine the direction , and the ocean does not look right , as usual, we go down to the white water .” After the disappearance of the torpedo to find them other planes were sent and one of them – a seaplane “Martin Mariner ” – also disappeared without a trace . Where did all these aircraft and what the pilots said white waters ?

Mystery Of Bermuda Triangle Review

Bride Lieutenant Taylor that he was an instructor at the time of the famous flight did not come out after this tragedy married. Moreover, only this year, after fifty-three years after this mysterious disappearance , Elza Parker admitted that all these years she is adorable man not only in dreams , but in reality , and talks about her life … in Atlantis. It describes and compares the gardens is a place with thousands of worlds , concentrated in one place, says the Atlanteans , in which people learn to teleport to Earth and led familiarity with their loved ones . So they tell earthlings about new discoveries , which are more commons .

In addition , he calls her to him, but the only attempt in the ocean abyss and fall into the Bermuda Triangle ended in a stalemate . Female suicide took over and sent for treatment in a psychiatric hospital . Elza mother constantly believed that her daughter could not accept the loss of a loved one.

So whether it is in fact , no one knows . And maybe in American and actually played out a fantasy, and the image of Taylor – obsession and desire to bring to her the man of her life. However, not all think so . Doctors who Elza opened its great secret about Taylor and hidden Atlantis, psychiatrist Weiss Cote immediately after this bad penetration Elza Atlantis ceased to practice and devoted his life to the study of this phenomenon.

He tried to meet all the relatives of the disappeared pilots. And what was his surprise when he learned that they all mysteriously missing.

Soon he medic as mysteriously vanished into obscurity. And no one knows where he is and what happened to him. Someone said that he was mad and hit by a car . But information on road accidents with Cat nowhere. Someone sure the physician became a hermit and renounced all earthly things . But this version is questionable.

just the Facts about Bermuda Triangle sunken Atlantis

Bermuda Triangle – an area in the Atlantic Ocean , which allegedly occur mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft . Area bounded by lines from Florida to Bermuda , on to Puerto Rico and back to Florida through the Bahamas.

Various hypotheses put forward to explain these disappearances from unusual weather events to alien abductions . Skeptics argue , however, that the disappearance of ships in the Bermuda Triangle do not occur more often than in other parts of the world ocean and explained by natural causes . This opinion is shared USCG .

Mysterious light of civilization

Or maybe Atlantis and actually located in the Bermuda Triangle . Proponents of this hypothesis, a number of compelling lead , in their opinion , the facts. During the times of Atlantis and the most necessary things considered powerful single crystals . They were used as the principal source of essentially free energy. They were used in all areas. Great XX century clairvoyant Edgar Cayce in his ” readings Akashic records ,” says the giant crystal that was called Fire Stone .

Red armed Atlanteans using aliens found a quartz vein underground, wide and shiny , like the Amazon River . They ” cut down ” from her solid stone , the size of the lake. Pleiadians sanded helped clear as a tear baby , cobble needed.

Crystal was installed in the Great Temple of Fire. Casey said it was a central power plant across the country later Atlantis. Concentration of energy of sunlight passing through a prism of numerous stone reached such enormous magnitude that ” it was allowed to convert and give the whole area of ​​the optical wavelength range .”

Casey also talked about the use of crystals for the rejuvenation of the human body with the help of sunlight. He also said that the Fire Stone is still resting on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in the Bermuda Triangle , where from time to time charged with energy and destroys ships and planes . This Crystal nimble Atlanteans used constantly : day and night.

Crystal Pyramid In The Bermuda Triangle Review

Solar energy is stored in large quantities , it was stored in special containers copper and surplus illuminated at night coastline Atlantis. Some aircraft to move to the cities and metropolitan areas between beams used firestone .

Space satellites and space stations Atlantis fueled energy solar panels consisting of single crystals. On orbiting satellites were deployed automatic crystal mirror reflecting the brilliant light on a cloudless night Atlantis . Therefore twilight over gigantic continent and in the minds of the Toltecs at night was not.

Satellites using crystals photographed outlines dozed islands and continents and transmit accurate maps of the Earth Atlanta. These long-playing cards used until now. Columbus discovered America , having the exact map of the planet to the last flood.

At the beginning of 1700 BC have been found in Turkey ancient maps which marked the contours of the Earth , made with very high accuracy. It maps the Turkish admiral Piri Reis , they resemble modern aerial photography . Only Antarctica and Greenland there are still not covered by multi- ice.

So maybe it was from the water of the ocean seemed pilots missing in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle , white . And it was really a powerful glow of the Fire Crystal Atlantis.

And all ? Yes , scientists still believe that no mystical phenomena neither we nor our ancestors were not revealed . Just our Earth , with all its wonders – excessively difficult thing for humanity to learn and understand . Bermuda Triangle – all just a myth concocted science fiction and stories about the mysterious aliens and Atlantis – literary creation, which is edited by contemporaries with ever-increasing ardor .

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