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General questions about metal detectors

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General questions about metal detectors

Metal detectors and everything around them

General questions about metal detectors

This topic is proposed to ask general questions about the metal detectors.

 Can the metal accurately recognize gold and other metals on the background of trash?

Unfortunately, induction metal detectors can not do this. They are only able to classify objects by conduction and ferromagnetic properties. Relatively can accurately detect objects made of copper and silver, as they have high conductivity. Gold in their electrical conductivity similar to that of aluminum and nickel, metal detectors so confuse these metals.

What is a “gold digger”, sometimes referred to in the advertisement?

“Gold digger” is sometimes referred to specialized devices to search for gold nuggets. From versatile devices they are characterized by high sensitivity to small weakly conducting things, which are small nuggets. Discriminatory ability of these devices significantly worse than universal. Their task is to distinguish gold from iron and minerals instead of nickel and aluminum, which should not be in the mines.

What is the depth of detection of objects in the ground, and why it is not specified in the documentation for imported metal detectors?

The depth of the detection objects in the soil will depend on many factors: the sensitivity of the detector, exclude the effect of raising the soil characteristics of the soil, the type of the object and its orientation in the ground time of the object in the ground and experience of the operator. Take into account all these factors and provide documentation real depth, not to scare away the buyer, it is very difficult.

Metal detectors and everything around them

In the U.S., rather strict legislation on consumer protection. If the consumer can not find the object at a specified depth in the documentation because of the complexity of soil or other reasons, he is entitled to go to court and claim compensation. Naturally, manufacturers do not want. Sellers on their behalf sometimes indicate the real depth of detection and, as a rule, by air. En universal detector sensitivity depends mainly on the radiated power and the size of the coil and air for single coins ranges from 20 to 50 cm maximum depth of detection of large objects – from 1 to 2.5 m Clay has a negative impact on the operation of the metal detector, reducing the depth of detecting or interfering – the false instrument. Quality of the instrument is determined also by the degree of suppression of the negative impact.

Cheap instruments typically configured at the factory to the middle ground. In the more expensive metal detectors provides manual or automatic ground balance. In computerized devices it is necessary, and often manual and automatic. However, in some soils even automatically compensates the influence of the soil does not provide maximum sensitivity (the one we see on the air). To combat this evil devices are used with multiple operating frequencies generated simultaneously: Sovereign, Explorer, DFX and others.

The depth also depends on the detection surface area and conductivity of the object at a certain frequency. Therefore coin standing

on the edge, much more difficult to detect, as the effective surface area, ie the section parallel to the plane of the search coil is negligible. At low operating frequency (2 – 10 kHz) to detect weakly conductive objects (nuggets, jewelry of gold, nickel) is harder than copper and silver. Therefore, when searching for native gold are applied over the high frequency (18 – 70 KHz), but this deteriorates discrimination (discrimination metals). These devices differ only non-ferrous metals from black, nothing more. Also familiar phenomenon where long lain in the ground objects are detected with a metal detector at a greater depth .

This is due to the fact that the oxidation of the metal primer around the object impregnated with conductive salt. The device operates in this case, not only the object itself but also on the area around it, which is larger than the object. It should be noted that the foregoing relates to VLF-detector. Switching devices are less dependent on the soil, but due to poor discrimination properties, they are usually used when searching under water or as seekers of large objects at great depths Pulse Star II and its variety of other firms .
