How to make a ring of coins – Additional source of income you can receive from the rings of coins. Things made with their own hands , to date very much appreciated . How to make a ring of the coin ? Production may be a serial and bring you a good extra income.
Perform the following steps :
1. Take coin from soft metal . Put it on the edge . Cover the coin with a teaspoon .
2 . Or hit with a hammer on a spoon . Edge on each side should flatten . Do not overdo it , coin may crack .
3 . Take a drill. In the center of coins drill hole. Drill should come out the other side.
4 . Deal ring with fine sandpaper . The outer part ringlet should be shiny , so well crafted ring sandpaper.
5 . Polish ring. Using a soft cloth can give decoration shiny.
6. Fasten a ring . Need a durable fixture that will help to make a hole in more coins . If fixation is weak, it will be difficult to work with a drill .
7. Take emery roller. You need to make a hole in the ringlet more help in this emery roller.
8. Deal ring polishing wheel. With it, you will add smoothness and beautiful appearance ringlet inside.
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