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Metal detector designed to detect metal object (cover well, line pipes, hidden wiring). Metal detector consists of parallel voltage regulator (transistors V1 V2) u generator high (about 100 kHz) frequency transistor V4, HF oscillation detector (V5) and amp DC (V6, V7) on led indicator V8.
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High-frequency voltage coil connection L2 straightens the transition transistor V5. This transistor when working generator will be opened, and transistors V6 V7 closed. The led is not lit V8. If you bring any metal object to the reel L1, the fluctuations of the Generator failed, transistor V5 V6 V7 closes — would occur, and the led will light up.
Coil L1, L2 coil the rod from the magnetic antennas transistor radios. They contain respectively 120 and 45 revolutions wires 2 sew-0.3 mm in diameter. The longer the rod, the sensitivity of the detector above.
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When building device resistors R5, R7 (engine resistor R6 in the middle position) sets the operating mode of the generator so that it was on the verge of excitation (led is still lit). Then the resistor R6 is put in a position where the led turns off. If now priblivit′ ferrite rod to a metal object, the led will flash again. This operation should be repeated several times, trying to find such provisions engines trimmer resistors R5 and R7 where maximum sensitivity of the device.
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