It comes to a network of a dozen temples that are 2,000 years older than Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids. In fields and cities in present day Germany, Austria and Slovakia are located more than 150 giant monument. They were built before 7000 years ago-somewhere between 4800 BC BC. and d 4600 BC. Finding them will revolutionize the study of prehistoric Europe, as previously thought, that the appetite for construction of monumental structures there appeared later than in Mesopotamia and Egypt, noted the independent.
The temples are made of Earth and wood, as had the ramparts and Palisades extending for miles. They were built by religious people, who lived in common houses, about 50 meters long, grouped into villages. Their civilization died after about two years, and the discoveries of archaeologists are so new that the ancient culture doesn’t have a name yet, notes the British newspaper.
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