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Perhaps the most puzzling place on Earth the Bermuda Triangle area in the Atlantic Ocean, over 1 million square kilometres, is located between Bermuda and Puerto Rico, and head South to the Florida peninsula. It was there, according to some researchers, is being over time and space is curved planes and ships trapped in the “triangle”, and fade. Even Christopher Columbus wrote about the strange behavior of compasses, arrows, flame pillars rising strange lights, travelling across the waves of water, … Scientists have made all new attempts to unravel the mysteries of the abnormal area.
The tragic list of victims of the Bermuda triangle opens up the French ship “Rosalie”, not in August 1840. Found near the Bahamas while raising the sail. The only living creature on board-Canary in a cage. Deck; Cabin looked as if they were there a few hours before the crew. What are the tragic circumstances forced to abandon ship and how it happened, no one knows.
7 November 1872, the Mary Celeste “with liquor shipment outside New York City and took a course in Gibraltar. A month later, she was discovered by a team of “den ex gratia payments” by strange zigzags, the sails filled with wind. Many sailors with tipping «den» boat lowered and rest of the “Mary Celeste”. It turned out that the ship was empty, although it has no damage. On the table in the mess that was not even drunk a cup of coffee with bread scattered mess, eggs, and butter were contaminated with canvas cargo in the holds been untouched. However, the Board did not find navigation systems. Water and food on board the ship was enough. In some of the documents referred to in the same table on Sabre with traces of blood on the blade. The same effects found in other subjects. The last entry in the logbook, dated 24 November, stated that the “Mary Celeste”, 150 miles west of the Azores Islands. In eleven days the ship discovered in 700 km away from the places listed in the journal.
However, another Satanic triangle brought us level bombers story-five fixed-wing aircraft type “Avenger”. Of the 19 aircraft in the air, back on December 5 1945 02: 10 pm onwards with the naval air station in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the bombers were flying over 160 km to the East, and 40 miles to the North and return to base. During the trip, planning to detonate a bomb.
At 03: 45 pm in paragraph control received the rank of Lieutenant Commander Taylor:
-Emergency! We do not see the Earth!
-Notify your format, called the command center.
We don’t know where we are, was the answer.
-Keep to the West! And here Lieutenant Taylor say strange words:
-We do not know in the West. The ocean looks different from what you usually do.
At 16.00 the panic hand over Taylor is the bridge to another officer.
-We are located 200 miles northeast of the base. Probably we became muffled …-voice of employee finally disappeared completely.
Bomber rushed to rescue the rescue, equipped with everything you may need in an emergency, and be able to sit on the surface of the sea, even with very high waves. 19. the unit I tried to report this, but the connection was not available. A rescue plane sent several messages to the control tower, and confirmed that fits to the square, and then there is silence in the air …
Of general concern of all the rules of Peninsular Florida jumped from the plane and left the trial. 07: 00 pm assumption 04 min call sign 2nd Manager level 19 radio is weak. This happened after two hours after the aircraft had run out of fuel. Within weeks, has been monitoring the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf 21 borozdilo 300 aircraft ship search the ocean surface from the air. All proved useless. Link b-rescue plane and disappeared without a trace.
List of 50 ships and aircraft that disappeared in the Bermuda triangle, and closes the cargo ship “Anita”, debuted in March 1973, from the port of Norfolk, to the point of destination-Hamburg.
In 1999, there was a mysterious incident, which, fortunately, was tragic, but has given scientists new intractable questions. One of these incidents was Shannon from New Zealand, Percy decided alone to cross the Pacific Ocean, the yacht sailed around South America and the Bahamas. The women were brave diabolikal and crossing the triangle. This is what she said to journalists:
-About the prolonged solitary journey I dreamed all my life. When I turned forty-two years, and got a chance to hit the road. It all happened when I was near bermodam. In the afternoon, when I was in the cockpit, the sea surface is covered with fog. It seems I’ve got in the fog. The current storm soon began seeing fog ′ until there was zero. And suddenly began around … Ghost! This was another sailor costume people, some women with sad faces and crying children. I understand that all long dead and this was the chilling horror. Leave me some power in a scary, unknown. And suddenly I saw her deceased husband, who was holding out a hand to me, as if it were a long hug. And then I lost consciousness.
Situations such as those that occurred with Percy, Shannon known to quite a few. But neither of them reveals the mystery of the Bermuda triangle. Furthermore, surveillance of persons trapped in this zone anomalies, as well as confusion between the strange story of this amazing corner of the planet.
The pilot of the Boeing 707 “year 11 April 1988 flew from Puerto Rico to New York City. Through 20 minutes after take-off, suddenly saw, also started on the ocean surface and 23′ finally jumping massive Dome, several hundred meters in diameter! Within thirty seconds, along with the Commander of the liner, and the flight engineer was surprised to see a natural phenomenon was unprecedented.
As it turns out this has seen the calamities and astronauts. He said that “there is no doubt that there are different levels of water in the ocean,” after a trip to the space station “Salyut 6” Vladimir kovalinok. Saw the astronaut on the surface of the sea rise up “water dome”, about which the shroud Cumulus clouds. The astronauts, Valery riomin, Vladimir liakhov long shaft in the Indian Ocean. What makes water Slough, still no one knows. But maybe the strange happenings in the Bermuda triangle somehow related to the secret life of the sea? This and many other questions scientists did not find an answer.
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