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Why Muslims do not wear gold

Why Muslims do not wear gold

Why Muslims do not wear gold – Everyone knows that Muslims are very strict laws which they adhere . Not everyone understands why Muslims do not wear gold. For some gold ornaments are the best gift or amulet. Should take into account the fact that Muslim women have a significant amount of gold jewelry , and men do not even wear gold wedding rings.

The following reasons prompted Muslim men abandoned the gold :

1. Male should not be similar to a woman. Husbands give their wives gold jewelry, taking care of them. Permanent gold gifts emphasize the importance of a Muslim woman for the man. According to the faith, a man should not be like a woman , so he can not wear gold.

2 . Gold is considered a sin for a man. Strict laws Muslims show that man must prove their strength and importance of deeds and not of embellishments . He can bestow gold his wife and prove that their wealth and opportunities , but he should not wear gold . Most of the Muslim men chosen as wedding rings or jewelry silverware.

Such rules today following a very religious Muslims . Often happens is that a Muslim wears gold jewelry .
