Tag: Cleaning

Cleaning and maintenance of antique silverware

Cleaning and maintenance of antique silverware

How to clean silver soda and salt
This is one of the most readily available means for cleaning silver. To clean silver soda, pour into the metal, but in any case not aluminum, mug or cup two glasses of water, dissolve it in 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Stir the solution and put on fire. When the solution boils, drop him a piece of food foil and then a product that needs to be cleaned. Count the ten seconds, then remove the silver from solution. Rinse the jewelry in cold water and wipe dry.
Remember to rub powder soda silver in any case impossible. Soda – is abrasive, so dark patina you manage to clean, but you damage and scratch the product.
Cutlery without a lot of patterns can be used just such a method of cleaning. Pour into a dish of soda, moisten it with water to form a paste. Dip the cloth in this composition and gently wipe the product, cleansing it of the black deposit. Then rinse the dishes in warm water.
Also silver can be cleaned with salt. Make a solution of a teaspoon of salt and a cup of water incomplete. If you decide to try to clean their silver salt, do it for this brine. Soak it in silver jewelry for a few hours, then boil products in the same solution for 20 minutes, drain and rinse in cold water decoration.

Methods for cleaning coins

Methods in cleaning coins

In determining the method of cleaning should be preferred to chemical methods against mechanical. When using mechanical methods such as pin, chalk, ash, fine river sand, pasta GOI coin can receive significant damage in the form of deep scratches or destroyed fragments coined image. When applying mechanical methods, all cleaned off quickly, and then suffer the most prominent part of the coin. When selecting a chemical cleaning method to be preferred less potent reagents and move to stronger, but in the case of insufficient cleaning power for a long time. It should be remembered that strong reagents dissolved patina, mostly taken for the dissolution of the coin itself, so that a strong reagent may damage the coin more than mechanical cleaning methods, and she is like a coin melted piece of metal.

Metal detector and what we can find

Metal detector and what we can find

Quantum Pendant Energy balance pendant Technology useful and impressive … But the technology evolves whenever placed more pollution which affects human health mental, physical and Read more Red Mercury mercury use in spells What is red mercury and what are its uses is the name used for mercury iodide Read more Electrical Rcaistiviting Method  Electrical […]

Cleaning coins

تنظيف العملات النحاسية والذهبية والفضية وتنظيف الزنجار

Cleaning coins soap solution – a general way, but at the same time he is the most aggressive. Soap does not have a strong chemical exposure, but cleans dirt, grease and other contaminants from the coins. The process of cleaning with soap is very simple: a coin need soap and gently rub with your fingers. This method is suitable for polished coins and coins in proof. If contamination is quite strong, the coins worth soak in soapy water for 6 hours. With this purification process is not at the coin impact, but it requires much time. Need to take the baby soap, as it is less aggressive.
In stores household chemicals we often encounter means for removing rust and plaque from different surfaces, such as the brand means SILIT. The structure of these tools include various acids on the chemical level they can dissolve copper oxides. Clean tools such coins is very simple: shake the bottle with detergent, pour the liquid into a separate container, drop the coin there for 15 minutes. Then remove the coin and rub a thick cloth, then rinse. But remember that after cleaning copper coin acquire an unnatural shade of red, this should not be afraid because there was a destruction of oxides and patina. Over time, the coin again covered with patina.

Cleaning of metals by electrolysis

Cleaning of metals by electrolysis

Cleaning coins – is a method of removing surface dirt particles coins soil, dust, traces of metal oxidation. Of course, it is easier to remove from the surface of the dirt and dust just coin washing with warm tap water. But you need to clean the oxidation tricky. The more so because of the different alloys coins require separate treatment.
Modern coins do not require special cleaning methods. First, one can use a toothpaste, but may be less scratched. Another good method of cleaning of ammonia. To do this, you need a coin under water wipe soda, then with a cotton swab dipped in ammonium chloride, soda and again. But still a great tool – Coke, dirt removed from coins excellent. You just need to leave for the night in this liquid morning coins and wipe with a cloth, the effect is stunning.

Cleaning ancient coins

old roman gold coins

Quantum Pendant Energy balance pendant Technology useful and impressive … But the technology evolves whenever placed more pollution which affects human health mental, physical and Read more Red Mercury mercury use in spells What is red mercury and what are its uses is the name used for mercury iodide Read more Electrical Rcaistiviting Method  Electrical […]