Tag: illumination

5 reasons to use infrared illumination

5 reasons to use infrared illumination CCTV camera with IR illumination home security system reviews benefits of cctv security system

To protect private house can be used invisible infrared rays, and to protect a region of length more than a hundred meters you will need only a couple of infrared sensors. Another option – the vibration sensors and triboelectric type, and the only one sensor can cover the territory of length 250 m, however, consisting of sensors such system requires sensitive to mechanical and vibration resistant cable that is laid along the fence area. So, there is a need for the so-called exclusion zone – a few meters wide along the fence, home owners would otherwise disturb frequent false alarms.
If we are talking about a country house, in the use of perimeter security system has its own nuances. This restriction on the area (0.5 ha), the mandatory use of CCTV and the presence of constantly present on the site guards. Otherwise stop actions of the robbers would be very problematic, if not impossible.

CCTV camera with IR illumination

5 reasons to use infrared illumination CCTV camera with IR illumination home security system reviews benefits of cctv security system

Belkin Corporation Unveils camera control Wi-Fi NetCam home through iOS or Android Belkin Corporation Unveils camera control Wi-Fi NetCam home through iOS or Android If you want an excellent camera to monitor Read more Held 2012 hot Super Sale hand wand metal detector Held 2012 hot Super Sale hand wand metal detector    Held 2012 […]