Tag: profitable

How profitable is to collect rare foreign coins

How profitable is to collect rare foreign coins

Michelle Freeman table   Michelle Freeman table adopted in 1985, when you see this icon next to any currency you can specify number Read more Table, Allen adopted 1991 Table, Allen adopted 1991 r-8 Unique or several pieces r-7 Extremely rare a few dozen r-6 Very rare several hundred Read more Explanation of some ancient […]

Gold silver palladium and platinum to buy more profitable

correction gold prices sparked unprecedented interest investing precious metals Gold, silver , palladium and platinum - to buy more profitable

Does it make sense to invest in silver, platinum, palladium? In order to determine that it is cheaper to buy gold, silver, platinum or palladium, it is necessary to understand what the situation was at the market at a given time. As for any other investment market for the precious metals market is also characterized by volatility and cyclicality. In addition, important knowledge of the specific pricing for certain types of precious metals.
For example, the history of platinum as an investment instrument is significantly shorter than that of gold or silver, its investment market is still developing. If in gold investment demand is 36%, in the proportion of platinum sector investment demand does not exceed 6%. Value platinum linked to its industrial application, and its cost is largely determined by the real economy than, for example, the price of gold.
Pricing principle in the palladium market, at first glance, similar to platinum market. Due to its ability to absorb hydrogen, it is widely used in automobile catalytic converters, so 67% of the demand for the metal formed by the automotive industry, and 25% – of other industries. Investment demand is 4%.

Why silver in the coming years can be a profitable investment

Where to buy silver Seasonal fluctuations in the price of silver 2014 Why silver in the coming years can be a profitable investment Demand for silver support prices until the end of 2013 What Silver Bullion?

But there comes a time when the owners of bullion, jewelry or silverware want to sell it all and do not know where best to turn to. Of course, the bars can be returned to the bank, where they were bought, it’s not a problem. But where to sell silver in the form of scrap or cutlery that was profitable, many citizens do not know. In pawnshop carry substandard, for example, jewelry makes no sense, because they do not accept scrap. And the price for a quality product at this point give a little collateral, although there can sell silverware even from my grandmother’s trunk.

the treasure hunt is profitable in the United States

Precious metals

Quantum Pendant Energy balance pendant Technology useful and impressive … But the technology evolves whenever placed more pollution which affects human health mental, physical and Read more Red Mercury mercury use in spells What is red mercury and what are its uses is the name used for mercury iodide Read more Electrical Rcaistiviting Method  Electrical […]