Tag: Spot Prices

The price of gold on the spot market

Gold jumps in thin trading but the outlook is grim What is the spot market gold

Gold market in the country, like any other commodity, is defined by supply and demand in different sectors of the economy. Incoming volumes of gold depends on the level of development of the gold mining industry, and that in turn – on the state of its mineral resource base. In the integrated environment as reflected in the price of gold, which in addition to the above factors affect the economic and political situation in particular, precious metals producing or consuming them in large quantities, the country and the world at large.
The price of gold is directly or indirectly dependent on the state of the market of energy resources (especially oil) and the rate of major world currencies. Among the indicators that influence the situation on the gold market also include the distribution of gold reserves, the degree of liberalization of the economy and the impact on her state, the possibility of gold producers in the world market of precious metals, methods of addressing emerging regulatory issues.