Treasures detectors

Treasures detectors In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about Treasures detectors Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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Treasures detectors

There are several devices to detect precious metals like gold, silver, coins, yews or coveted bars.
1. By the peoples of the North is very used the rod of willow, mesquite and others to cut Pitchfork-shaped, used to detect the same currents of water that buried metals. Stops in the form of “A” is taken by the bases to the interior, and folding handles with some effort out, walking with the “A” side up. If it bends inward, it is water; If it is folded towards the front, it is a treasure.

Treasures detectors


2. The “kickstand” rods are four, metal, two major and two minor. Each has a flattened tip with a notch at the tip which makes it imitate the double hull of a goat, hence the name. Handled as a couple. Each one takes a major and a minor. Stand facing each other and assemble probes “kickstand” taking care that a greater assemble with a minor and vice versa. After a few seconds of waiting, the parallel fold forming an angle whose tip points to where the treasure is. Walking there and apply again waiting to see where to take us until they bend down. There is treasure…!
3. “German” rods are two corners metallic of wire to weld bronze. With one greater side and one minor, taken in the form of gun and walking randomly. If passed over a buried metal, the horizontal part of the staves will attract the magnet and is cross although one makes efforts to stop them. Under the cross which have formed, there is treasure. The two types of sticks are also known as rods of San Ignacio and, according to tradition, should be blessed in the church so that they can be effective.
4. With a chain and a pendant gold, a pendulum is made. The pendulum gets still and look towards where it begins to swing. There you have to walk. When one gets to the point, instead of swaying on the sides, pendulum begins to swing in circles. It indicates that we are on the Treasury. Another way is to make a sketch of the area which is to seek and apply the pendulum on the map. The place where be designated on the map.
5. The strangest device to search for treasures is an eggshell, well plugged the hole and with a little bit of mercury inside. Hatch gets on the ground and should immediately begin to roll, attracted by some buried money. Arriving where it is the treasure, the shell stays still.
6. The more expensive metal detector apparatus is electronic. With a control box and a sensor on the end of an arm that allows us to search without duck, goes swinging from left to right, and when goes on a metal, emits a sound whether hum or hiss, that tells us that we are on a buried metal. The bad thing is that it recorded iron, aluminum and even glass. There are devices that have a button to discriminate if it is iron and in that case no record, but record the aluminum and glass as well as bronze, copper, silver and gold.
There are highly sophisticated devices. The cheapest penetrate just a few inches from the surface; the most expensive penetrate with his signal up to ten or twelve metres. There are those that recorded everything, there with Screener, there are that record only the gold and silver, there are children with an electronic screen where the shape of the buried object looks and is registered to the depth that are in meters and centimeters. From the cheap to the expensive, its price may vary from one hundred to ten thousand dollars. There are devices of this type that the plumbers use them to detect leaks of water and domestic gas.
7. Finally, I met a man who claimed to find treasures and streams with his arm. When it happened where there was something of this, his body vibrated and his arm began to shake in the direction where the searched object was. I was curious to see it with your hand facing some mount shaking his arm and hand in any direction making: _ahi is a treasure… He called don Gabriel, was a kindly old man seeking for love it as don Gaby. Good friend of mine who lived locate currents to make wells and artesian and despite his strange virtue, Wells died poor in its station Rodriguez’s House.
The search for treasures is one of the most interesting activities given by all the peoples of the world. There are people who have never had a job. Its only activity has been the look for treasures. I would dedicate to it like to?