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Ancient calendars: Secrets of Egypt
Myths, legends and deities played a huge role For the inhabitants of ancient civilizations. This was reflected in all spheres of life. Studies show that even the Egyptian calendar was composed in the form of synthesis of scientific data and mythology. There are many versions of the origin and decryption of ancient Egyptian calendar data.
The Art of ancient calendars
About 5 000 BC the first calendars in history of mankind have appeared, and have established norm on which we measure our months and days today, No matter what you think about the prophecies of the Mayan calendar regarding 2012, you must recognize the fact that their representation of time is simply amazing.
Archaeologists have found the most ancient "tattoo machine"
Archaeologists at the University of Washington have found the most ancient needle for tattooing. A Tool about 9 cm long consists of a needles cactus prickly pear, which is used to the handle from the stem of the sumach with the help of strips of yucca leaves.
How The gopher helped the archaeologists find the treasure
The Treasure trove of silver coins of the late XIV century was discovered during excavations in the Astrakhan region on the territory of the settlement. To Make a finding archaeologists of Mari State University helped the gopher.
In England found a unique treasure of the Roman Empire
This Small time period was marked by the change of four Roman emperors: first began revolt against the ruler of Nero, and after his overthrow from the throne in the summer of 68 ad during the next 12 months, in turn ruled the Empire Galba, Oton, Vielliy and Vespasian, who founded the Flavius dynasty. At its 10-year reign, among other things, was built the world-famous Coliseum Amphitheatre.
The Most ancient beer was far from Egyptian
Mankind has consumed alcohol for several millennia. Anthropologists believe that alcohol could serve as the main reason for the transition of an ancient man from hunting and gathering to agriculture. Regardless of whether it is a form of social interaction, a medical drug or a political way of networking, alcohol has been and continues to be one of the most important products used by man outside Depending on its culture and national affiliation.
Archaeologists found the temple of the Aztec god in Mexico
Archaeologists have found the temple of the ancient deity of the pre-Hispanic period in the history of Mexico's Shipe-Ttek. The Ruins of the building were discovered by a group of scientists led by Noemi Castillo in the town of Tehuacan in Puela state.
In Turkey gathered an ancient statue of hundreds of fragments
A Group of archaeologists discovered a statue of the Roman Emperor Trajan, dated about 113 year, during excavations in the Turkish city of Laodikei. The sculpture suffered greatly from numerous earthquakes. It was split into 356 pieces. The Restorers managed to restore the figure of the Roman ruler completely.
Archaeologists found an official's tomb in Egypt
The Egyptian archaeological mission came across Cairo on the tomb of an official who lived more than four thousand years ago under the V dynasty of the pharaohs. The Remains of the tomb were discovered by accident when investigating the burial of the ruler of Jedkara.